For you couples who are getting into your wedding planning, I’m sure that you have been on several venue visits by now. No matter where you are hosting your wedding, you most likely have a venue coordinator in charge of your wedding.
So, what’s the difference between tasks a venue coordinator performs and tasks a wedding planner performs? Aren’t they really doing the same thing? Why would you hire a wedding planner when you already get a venue coordinator as part of your reception costs?
Sure, venue coordinators and wedding planners appear similar. But here are some differences I would like to point out.
Differences between venue coordinators & wedding planners — advice from Calgary wedding planner
1. Venue coordinators coordinate venue details
Hence, their title. Venue coordinators are responsible for everything at the venue. This means that they are responsible for the staff and the tasks their staff need to do: set-up, organize times of dinner service, make sure the kitchen knows the menu being served, etc. They have a lot on their plates — especially if your event isn’t the only event of the night.
2. Wedding planners coordinate, well, you
Wedding planners are responsible for the care of you and your needs. We are the ones to find a steamer/iron from somewhere when your dress is wrinkly. We call the limo company when they don’t show up on time. We call the florist when we notice your boutonnieres are missing. (These are all real issues I have dealt with on wedding days…take a look).
We make sure everyone follows the wedding itinerary (that we meticulously put together with your input and distributed to your key wedding contacts). We also answer questions that vendors may have on the wedding day. This way, you aren’t being bothered when you’re chatting with loved ones.
Please don’t get me wrong. Your venue coordinators care about your wedding, and want to make sure things run smoothly. But their concern is to make sure the venue performs ups to standards.
Just like wedding planners can’t do things a venue coordinator can (like get more hand soap when the bathrooms are out of it — again, true story), they can’t do tasks that we can. They’re not the one who makes sure your MC knows that Dad just decided he wants to say his toast last instead of first.
3. Wedding planners help plan everything pre-wedding too
I’m not just talking about a service like our Complete Wedding Planning & Design either. When you work with us in Wedding Day Management, we step in to help with planning months before the wedding. This is to make sure we understand your planning. And we make a Master timeline and offer suggestions before it’s too late.
Ok, the timelines we create don’t look this cute. Ours are much more organized and cover all the nit-picky details though!
Wedding planners also have a hand in things like design details, floorplan review and vendor recommendations suitable to your style and budget (and personality! — a big deal in our books). As a note, some venue coordinators do recommend vendors. Just keep in mind that sometimes they are from a “preferred vendors list” that vendors can pay to belong to.
Will venue coordinators communicate everything to all of your vendors? Not likely. This is where wedding planners differ too.
Your wedding planner communicates vital information to vendors outside of the venue too.
4. Wedding planners are involved with your wedding ceremony
What if your ceremony is off-site from the venue? Venue coordinators are not responsible for lining up your bridal party and cue-ing musicians at the park you’re getting married at. As wedding planners, one of our tasks is to attend your wedding rehearsal so that we can direct you when you get too nervous to remember details.
Thanks to Cedna Photography for capturing this shot of me as I gave a pep talk to a bride!
Even if your ceremony is at your venue, venue coordinators don’t always attend your rehearsal. They might not take note of who is supposed to walk in what order. They don’t remember to remind the violinist to play a different song after you changed your mind during the rehearsal.
5. Wedding planners are more available to you
To repeat: venue coordinators are available to answer your questions about the venue…but what about after-hour panicky emails/calls? Not every venue coordinator offers their cell numbers for contact.
If your wedding shoes are misplaced, your wedding planner will try and locate them or purchase new ones on your behalf. Your venue coordinator is not responsible for wedding planning issues like this, they are responsible for venue issues. In emergencies, your wedding planner is more than happy to give you a call and soothe any issues. All to make sure you feel your best on your wedding day.
TLaw Photography capturing the joy in one of our lovely brides.
The point of this post isn’t to convey that venue coordinators don’t do a good job. Absolutely not! We work with many wonderful venue coordinators + staff who are cooperative and go above and beyond.
The key is that we all work together. Venue coordinators and wedding planners (and wedding photographers, wedding DJs, etc.) should all have the same goal of making your wedding day as flawless as possible. Collaboration makes sure your wedding day captures, if not surpasses, your vision.
Consider these points when you’re planning your wedding details. Is a venue coordinator enough to support you?
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Evelyn Clark
Evelyn Clark Weddings // Calgary wedding planners