I cannot express how perfect this bouquet is! Crisp and classically chic with its sharp white and leaf green contrast (and splashes of orange) but also very feminine with the addition of the white feather on the side…this bouquet was inspired by a modern Marie Antoinette styled shoot I found on Merci New York.
Sweet Stylings Tip:
There is definitely a way to do feminine and flirty in a modern fashion. The sharp contrast between the huge, blooming white ranunculus and leafy greenery adds a chic touch to the classic, all-white bouquet, while the orange pops of colour add a whimsical and flirty vibe (very Marie Antoinette). The large feather tucked into the bottom of the bouquet finishes everything off to create a girly bouquet without veering towards too frou frou territory – perfect for a modern, chic, Calgary (or any city!) bride, non?
Have a great weekend everyone!
Calgary Wedding Planner and Designer